January Community Newsletter
Important Dates 1/16: SVUSD Regular Board Meeting 1/20: Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday 1/22: Dragon Expo at SVHS 1/23: SVUSD Board Study Session 1/27: Trustee Lehman Office Hours at El Verano Elementary School 1/30: Trustee Landry Office Hours at Altimira Middle School 1/30: SVUSD Board Study Session 2/3: Trustee Bell Office Hours at Prestwood Elementary School 2/3: Special Education Parent Connection Meeting 2/3: Student Registration Opens 2/5: Trustee Winders Office Hours at Flowery Elementary School 2/13: SVUSD Regular Board Meeting 2/14: Certificated Staff PD Day, Classified Staff Holiday |
Message from the Superintendent
Dear SVUSD Community,
Happy New Year and welcome back to the second half of the school year. I hope the first weeks of 2024 have brought you moments of joy, and time to look forward to the year ahead. As we step into the new year, I am excited to share some important updates and initiatives happening in our district.
As many of you are aware, our district is in the process of consolidating our middle schools to better serve our students and address our fiscal issues. This is a complex process, and I want to assure you that our primary focus is on making this transition as smooth as possible for all students, families, and staff. To that end, we are developing comprehensive transition plans that will address key concerns such as transportation, staffing, and ensuring continuity in academic and extracurricular programming. We are committed to transparency and collaboration, and we will provide regular updates on our progress. You will find a section in this newsletter indicating some of the items that are working on and will be able to find information about how we are progressing as we go.
It is with great enthusiasm that we officially welcome Trustee Jason Lehman, our newest member of the Board of Education. Trustee Lehman brings enthusiasm and a strong commitment to our students’ success. His fresh perspectives and dedication to our district’s mission will undoubtedly strengthen our efforts to provide the best education possible for our children. Please join me in welcoming Jason to the team.
As we look to the future, we are embarking on a strategic planning process to set goals and priorities for our district over the next several years. We know that the success of this plan depends on the voices of our families and community members. We will be hosting a series of listening sessions to gather input on topics such as academic programs, extracurricular opportunities, college and career preparedness, etc. In addition to these listening sessions, we will also have an online survey to ensure everyone has the opportunity to provide feedback. Your insights are invaluable, and we want to hear from you!
As always, thank you for your continued partnership and support. Together, we can create an environment where every student has the opportunity to thrive.
Warm regards, Jeanette Rodriguez-Chien, Superintendent
School Consolidation Update We want to keep our families and community informed about what is happening as we move through the transition process.
Here are a few items that are being done:
A general transition plan focusing on students, staff and families and bringing them together as one school culture is being presented to the Board on Jan 16th for approval.
The principal and vice principal of the new middle school have been selected. We are excited to announce that Connor Snow will be the principal and Sarah March will be the Vice Principal.
A survey has gone out to families to determine how many students will be returning the following school year to determine numbers for planning purposes.
Listening circles with students have been scheduled and will begin the last week of this month.
The class scheduling process has begun. Student interest forms have been collected and courses are currently being worked on.
The process of retrofitting has begun. The district has secured proposals by architects and the planning process has begun. The intent is to have the major aspects of retrofitting begin this summer.
The district has secured a moving company and is currently developing a schedule.
There is a logistics/operations plan that has been developed and we will continue to share highlights of what is being completed. The items above are only some of the items on the logistics plan and we want to reassure everyone that there are many other items being worked on to ensure a smooth transition.
Youth Truth Family Survey
We’d like your feedback – please take the Family Survey!
We are asking families for ~15 minutes of your time to complete an online survey that will help us improve your child’s school.
Please take the survey before it closes at midnight on Friday, January 31 by clicking this link: ytsurvey.org/svusdfamily25
Please note:
The survey needs to be completed in one sitting.
We ask that one member of each household fill out the survey.
If you have more than one child who attends the same school, you may respond to the survey multiple times - one time per child.
If you write any comments, please do not include your name or anything else that might identify you. Your responses are anonymous, and they will be combined with the responses of other parents and guardians before being shared back with school and district leadership.
If you have any questions about the survey, or our plans for how we will use your feedback, please contact your child’s school office. Your response is incredibly valuable to us.
Great Kindness Challenge
The Great Kindness Challenge, which will take place January 27th-January 31st, is a week-long event dedicated to fostering kindness, respect, and unity in schools. This is a global recognition week in which students and staff all over the world take part in simple acts of kindness to spread joy and inspire positive change in their schools and local communities. Here, in Sonoma Valley Unified School District, we look forward to participating in this challenge through Acts of Kindness and student-led spirit days and kindness activities to inspire positivity and kindness in our schools and community!
Click on this link for more information about The Great Kindness Challenge
Update from Transportation: New Busses and EV Charging Stations
SVUSD is excited to announce the addition of two new school busses to our fleet, enhancing transportation options for our students. Additionally, we are proud to have been awarded a grant for the installation of five electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. These upgrades will not only improve student travel but also contribute to a greener future for our community!
Immigration Resources The linked resource is a Guide for Students and Families on Immigration Enforcement Actions at California Schools. Available in English and Spanish, this resource includes information on the right to a free public education, school enrollment, personal information confidentiality protections and safety information for students and staff.
Additional resources can be found here.This folder contains several important resources to support our immigrant students and families. More resources will be added as they become available.
Upcoming ELPAC & PFT Assessments Starting February 3, some students will be participating in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC) and the Physical Fitness Test (PFT).
ELPAC Multilingual Students, also called EL Students, will take part in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California. This test is given yearly until students meet the reclassification criteria. This test helps us evaluate how well students are understanding and using English if it is not their primary language. It’s an important step in supporting our students’ language development. For more information about the assessment, practice tests, sample questions, score reports, and resources, visit the ELPAC Starting Smarter website. It is in both Spanish and English.
Physical Fitness TestStudents in grades 5, 7, and 9 will take part in the Physical Fitness Test during their PE class. The five fitness components of the PFT are Aerobic Capacity, Abdominal Strength and Endurance, Trunk Extensor Strength and Flexibility, Upper Body Strength and Endurance, and Flexibility. We no longer collect height, weight, or gender data. The main goal of the test is to help students in starting life-long habits of regular physical activity. They are designed to help students set personal fitness goals and track their progress throughout the year. Please encourage your child to participate and do their best, as the tests are a great way to promote health and wellness!
Both of these assessments will be administered during the school day, and teachers will be working closely with students to ensure they are prepared and confident. We encourage you to speak with your child about the upcoming assessments, and we’re happy to answer any questions you may have. As always, thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed.